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You've got a very beautiful pussy, My tongue and cock would love the pleasure to please anyway you desired, Manytimes over !

Just a "selfie".With something as wonderful & as beautiful as that . You should state, Here`s a clear, unmistakable photo, of my big clit, long lipped, labia, and my womb tunnel, that if you look inside, you will see your future,( or your God -whichever comes first), amd be blessed with the scent that "speaks" sex, (long & hard, slow & smooth . You choose).All to be tickled, by my sparsley patch of mound hair.BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE IS EVEN THOUGHT OF HAPPINING .(or, something like that .) Beautiful hairy pussy you have there. I couldn't help but to just imagine sharing the licking of your clit with your girlfriend anytime! Totally hot hot hot! What a beautiful pussy! I wanna bury my face in your delicious pussy for a few hours,kissing,licking,nibbling and sucking you to dozens of orgasms! May I? Delicious pussy! I love the hair and your lips are amazing! I wanna kiss em,lick em,nibble em and suck em for hours and hours! May I? Mmmmm, Very nice hairy pussy. I'd LUV to wank off a nice big cumload all over it.While you're being fucked by a nice thick cock.